Thankdeka Global Equip

Changing Lives for the Better

Leaders in Connecting people to their dreams


Join TGE Wealth club for wealth creation through alternative investments, wealth management, and asset protection.


Our Academy empowers entrepreneurs with practical knowledge. Partnering with industry leaders, we offer mining seminars.


Networking platform for entrepreneurs to connect, advertise, and explore career growth opportunities.


Enhance well-being, enjoy leisure, and embrace a fulfilling life.


Foster growth, inspire change, and unlock potential for personal development.


Invest wisely, diversify, and secure financial stability for generations.


Network, collaborate, and build relationships for professional and personal success.

A Message from the Team

Thandeka Global Equip is a South African based empowerment organization that aims to equip individuals, households, and small businesses with the tools they need to succeed. Since 2018, our vision to empower members to reach their dreams has remained unchanged. Our focus in on wealth creation, business knowledge, business finance, and connection opportunities to equip our members. As we grow, Thandeka Global Equip we are committed to creating job opportunities for young people who are qualified and skilled, connect small businesses with opportunities to grow and expand their ventures and to share relevant knowledge and experience to build leaders of tomorrow. We believe in the people of South Africa and work with various stakeholders to reach every corner of the country and share the available opportunities. Thandeka Global Equip leverages social media and technology to connect people with their dreams and are committed to being leaders in this space. Join us in our mission to empower and equip the people of South Africa.

TGE Wealth


Join TGE Wealth, a private wealth creation club that empowers individuals, households, and small businesses to pool resources and build generational wealth. By coming together, we raise funds and share knowledge to invest in alternative opportunities and access high-quality wealth management and asset protection services. members of our private club enjoy these services and more, which includes lifestyle benefits. Our vision is to be a beacon of hope among the nations. Join us and start your journey towards financial empowerment and reach your freedom.


Alternative Investments: Alternative investments are on the rise! These investments refer to any investment outside of traditional options like stocks, bonds, and cash. Think real estate, commodities, hedge funds, private equity, and more. While alternative investments often have higher risk, they also offer the potential for higher returns compared to traditional assets. it's important to diversify your portfolio and weigh the pros and cons of each investment option.


Wealth Management: Wealth management is an essential aspect of achieving financial goals. It involves the professional management of an individual's financial assets and investments, including investment management, financial planning, retirement planning, tax planning, estate planning, and risk management. Wealth managers work closely with clients to develop personalized strategies that grow and protect their wealth over time. By understanding clients' objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation, wealth managers help achieve financial success. TGE Wealth has partnered with experienced and qualified financial planners to offer a professional and quality service.


Asset Protection: Asset protection refers to strategies individuals and businesses use to safeguard their wealth and property from various risks, including lawsuits, creditors, and other financial threats. These strategies aim to shield assets from potential legal claims and financial liabilities by structuring ownership and financial arrangements in a way that minimizes exposure to risk. Asset protection typically involves legal and financial planning, including the use of trusts, legal entities such as companies, insurance, estate planning tools, and other methods to preserve and protect wealth.

TGE Alternative Investments

Join us in investing in the chrome mining industry and make a difference in the South African economy. Our crowdfund opportunities provide both income and capital growth, while also funding chrome production projects in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Together with our partner, Buono Africa Holdings (Pty) Ltd, we aim to support our members in navigating economic difficulties and promoting growth in the region. Don’t miss out on this chance to make a positive impact while also growing your investment portfolio.


  • TGE Academy is an informal business, finance and leadership academy which aims to equip entrepreneurs and leaders with relevant and practical knowledge. The low income class in South Africa often lacks relevant and useful information due to being excluded from formal institutions and the lack of exposure to the internet. Our aim is to go out and reach those who have been excluded or cannot afford formal education structures. As an empowerment business we believe in inclusivity which technology allows us to do.

  • Mining Seminars: TGE Academy has partnered with various industry leaders to share practical knowledge and expertise about building and leading a successful mining business. Our courses are designed to help commodity brokers to expand their knowledge, assist operational teams with improving their value chains as well as opening the door for entrepreneurs expanding into the industry.

TGE Connect

  • TGE Connect is a business connection and networking platform for TGE members to connect with each other. It is designed to allow entrepreneurs to connect with potential customers by advertising their businesses or even to connect with potential investors. Professionals can use our platform to meet with career growth opportunities by connecting with business owners or industry leaders. TGE Connect hosts different networking and connection events for its members.

  • TGE Business Connect: TGE Business Connect is a business connection session for entrepreneurs and businesspeople to network and connect with each other. At the business connections we share knowledge with each other, offer an opportunity for members to advertise their business and services to a live audience while enjoying the beauty and serenity of our nature.

Office Hours

Daily – 9:30 am to 6:30 pm

Sunday – 08:00 am to 11:30 am

Holidays – 08:00 am to 3:00 pm


Contact Info

Fourways Golf Park, 32 Roos Street, Fourways, 2190

+27 67 473 5968

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